Page:Three hundred Aesop's fables (Townshend).djvu/195

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Preface v.
Life of Æsop xxv.
Æthiop 73
Ant and Dove 96
Ants and Grasshopper 36
Apes and Two Travellers 134
Ass and Charger 176
Ass and Driver 173
Ass and Frogs 115
Ass and Grasshopper 32
Ass and his Masters 70
Ass and his Purchaser 160
Ass and his Shadow 91
Ass and Horse 175
Ass and Lap-Dog 56
Ass and Mule 55
Ass and Old Shepherd 116
Ass and Wolf 141
Ass carrying Image 88
Ass, Cock, and Lion 85
Ass, Fox, and Lion 41
Ass in the Lion's Skin 159
Astronomer 62
Bald Man and Fly 184
Bald Knight 112
Bat and Weasels 34
Bear and Fox 44
Bear and Two Travellers 49
Bee and Jupiter 86
Belly and Members 68
Birdcatcher, Partridge, and Cock 95
Birds, Beasts, and Bat 156
Bitch and her Whelps 166
Blind Man and Whelp 150
Boasting Traveller 51
Bowman and Lion 117
Boy and Filberts 52
Boy and Nettles 61
Boy Bathing 136
Boy hunting Locusts 38
Boys and Frogs 58
Brazier and his Dog 188
Brother and Sister 149
Buffoon and Countryman 185
Bull and Calf 121
Bull and Goat 111
Bull, Lioness, and Wild-Boar Hunter 117
Camel 118
Camel and Arab 101
Camel and Jupiter 180
Cat and Birds 62
Cat and Cock 50
Cat and Mice 103
Cat and Venus 183
Cobbler turned Doctor 150
Cock and Jewel 35
Charcoal Burner and Fuller 38
Charger and Miller 67
Crab and Fox 118
Crab and its Mother 71
Crow and Mercury 155
Crow and Pitcher 125
Crow and Raven 115
Crow and Serpent 187