Page:Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog) (IA threemeninboatto00jerorich).pdf/125

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Three Men in a Boat.

The New Pianist (cheerily): "Now then, old man, you start off, and I'll follow. We won't bother about any prelude."

Harris (upon whom the explanation of matters has slowly dawned—laughing): "By Jove! I beg your pardon. Of course—I've been mixing up the two songs. It was Jenkins confused me, you know. Now then.

[Singing; his voice appearing to come from the cellar, and suggesting the first low warnings of an approaching earthquake.

"'When I was young I served a term
As office-boy to an attorney's firm.'

(Aside to pianist): "It is too low, old man; we'll have that over again, if you don't mind."

[Sings first two lines over again, in a high falsetto this time. Great surprise on the part of the audience. Nervous old lady near the fire begins to cry, and has to be led out.]

Harris (continuing):

"'I swept the windows and I swept the door,
And I——'

No—no, I cleaned the windows of the big front door. And I polished up the floor—no, dash it—I beg your pardon—funny thing, I can't think of that line. And I—and I—Oh, well, we'll get on to the chorus, and chance it (sings):

"'And I diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-de,
Till now I am the ruler of the Queen's navee.'