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A ſparrow's horn a prieſt unborn,
this night to join twa,
Before I'll lye in your bed,
either at ſtock or wa'.

Death's greener than the graſs,
hell's deeper than the ſea's,
The devil's worſe than women's voice,
ſky's higher that the trees,
A ſparrow's horn you may well get,
there's one on every paw,
And twa upon the gab of it,
and thou ſhalt have them a':

The Prieſt is ſtanding at the door,
juſt ready to come in,
No man can ſay that he was born,
no man without a ſin,
A hole cut in his mot (illegible text)
he from the ſame did fa',
So we ſhall both lye in ae,
and thou's lye next the wa',

O little did the lady think
that morning when ſhe roſe,
It was to be the very laſt
of all her maiden days.
But there is not in the king's realm,
to be found a blyther twa,
And now they lye in ae bed,
and ſhe lies next the wa.