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She ſays my loving com‘rade they have preferred me.
A major‘s commiſſion unto me they will beſtow,
The doctor that can cure you, ſhall be paid by Munro.
She called for a miniſter and bade them ſtep aſide,
And would call them up again when ſhe woo‘d her bride.
It‘s I‘ll not be groom, but groom's man I‘ll be,
For I never will be married till my Molly I do ſee.
She ſtripped down her ſnow white breaſts ſome private mark to ſhew,
Saying Jack won‘t you marry me dear Jack don't you know?
The drums did beat and the trumpets did ſound
And home to old England they were all call‘d along,
It‘s now they're landed over, the people all went to ſee,
Saying yonder comes the heroes from the wars of Germany.
As they walked up the ſtreets her father ſhe did know,
Saying, good old merchant will you liſt with Munro.
It's out beſpoke her mother I had a daughter gay,
There‘s not a feature in her face but reſembles ſhe,
It‘s now they are got married and ſhe lies by his ſide,
The officers and privates begrudge Jack of his bride,
When the Queen ſhe heard of this ſhe laughed heartily,
Saying here is 50 guineas I‘ll give to this lady.