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The Frolickſome Sea Captain.

All you that delights in a frolickſome ſong
I'll tell you a ſtory before it be long,
'Tis of a ſea Captain a froickſome ſpark
Who kiſs'd with a ſailor's fair wife in the dark.

The ſailor was called then by his name,
His wife was a fair and beautiful dame;
On board her briſk buſband ſhe would go for to ſee
Thinks the Captain, girl, you're a ſupper for me.

The Captain's chops did water full ſore,
One day he commanded all women on ſhore,
And every man on board they ſhould be,
While he this fair creature might go for to ſee.

The beautiful Molly took leave of her dear,
Then after her quickly the Captain did steer,
Unto her lodging, where ſhe went home,
And began for to tell her his amourous moan.

Saying faireſt of creatures take pity on me,
Keep this as a ſecret I tell unto thee;
The charms of thy beauty my favoru has won,
And if you do ſlight me, I'm ſurely undone.
Forbear nobe Captain, your ſuit is in vain.
My huſband's a ſailor that ploughs on the main;
And you are his Captain, and be not ſo baſe,
For we would both rue it, if he knew the caſe.