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They fought from eight in the morning,
till eight o'clock at night:
Till once the gallant Rainbow
began to take her flight.
Go home, go home, ſays Captain Ward,
and tell your king from me,
If he reigns on dry land,
I will reign king at ſea.
With that the gallant Rainbow,
ſhe ſhot and ſhot in vain;
Then left the rover's company,
and home return'd again.
Go tell our king of England,
his ſhip return'd again,
For Captain Ward he is too ſtrong,
he never will be ta'en.
O fy for the ſhame then ſaid the king,
I have loſt jewels three.
Which would have gone to ſea,
and brought proud Ward to me.
The firſt was brave lord Clifford,
great earl of Cumberland;
The ſecond was my lord Mountjoy,
as you ſhall underſtand;
The third was brave lord Eſſex,
from field would never flee,
Who would have gone unto the ſea,
and brought proud Ward to me.