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Three Speeds Forward

Marsden. "The air aperture is choked with dirt. Your tank feeds by gravity, doesn't it? Well, then, it can't flow without air, any more than a kerosene can, if you don't jab a hole in the corner. Same thing precisely."

"Great Scott!" cried papa.

"Why, if you'd only asked me I could have told you that myself," spoke up mamma.

"Oh, how simple!" cried I. "And yet we might have stayed here a week and never found it out!"

"It cost me a lot of time myself, once," said Mr. Marsden deprecatorily, as though he didn't want to shame us by his superiority. "It's about the most effective way of killing a gas engine I can think of."

"Let's put it back and make sure you are right," said papa, still unable to believe the good news.

Well, of course, with a little tickling she went off like a shot—with a great big honest chug-chug that warmed one's heart to hear it. After you have been stuck for hours, I