Page:Thrummy Cap and the ghaist (3).pdf/11

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                      Quoth Thrummy, Friend, I want to know
                      What brings you frae the shades below?
                      I, in my Maker's name, command
                      You tell your story just aff hand ?
                      Fat wad ye hae ?--I'll do my best
                      For you, to let you be at rest,
                      Then says the Ghaist, 'Tis thirty years
                      Since I've been doom'd to wander here:
                      In all that time there has been none
                      Behav'd sae bold as ye have done:
                      Sae, if you'll do a job for me,
                      Disturbance mair I'll never gie.
                      Say on your tale, quoth Thrummy, I,
                      To do you justice, sure will try,
                      Then mark me weel, the Ghaist reply'd,
                      And you shall soon be satisfyd :
                      Frae this aback near forty years,
                      I of this place was overseer,
                      When this Laird's father had the land,
                      A' thing was then at my command,
                      Wi' power to do as I thought fit,
                      In ill a cause I chief did sit :
                      The Laird paid great respect to me,
                      But I an ill return did gie :
                      The Title deeds of his estate
                      Out of the same I did him cheat,
                      And staw them frae where they did lie;
                      Some days before the Laird did die.
                      His son, at that time, was in France,
                      And sae I thought I'd hae a chance,
                      Gif he should never come again,
                      That the Estate would be my ain.