Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/150

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34 SEA-FIGHT NEAR CHEIMERIUM [l put out to sea and was sailing to meet them. As soon as they saw one another, they ranged themselves in order of battle. On the right Corcyraean wing were the Athe- nian ships. The Corcyraeans themselves occupied the centre and the left wing, and were drawn up in three divisions, each under the command of one of the generals. On the right wing of the Corinthians were the Megarian and Ambraciot ships, in the centre the contingents of their other allies ; they themselves with their swiftest vessels formed the left wing, which was opposed to the Athenians and to the right division of the Corcyraeans. 49 The standards were now raised on both sides, and the Character of the en- two fleets met and fought. The decks gagement. of both were crowded with heavy in- fantry, with archers and with javelin-men ; for their naval arrangements were still of the old clumsy sort. The engagement was obstinate, but more courage than skill was displayed, and it had almost the appearance of a battle by land. When two ships once charged one another it was hardly possible to part company, for the throng of vessels was dense, and the hopes of victory lay chiefly in the heavy-armed, who maintained a steady fight upon the decks, the ships meanwhile remaining motionless. There were no attempts to break the enemy's line. Brute force and rage made up for the want of tactics. Everywhere the battle was a scene of tumult and confusion. At any point where they saw the Corcyraeans distressed, the Athe- nians appeared and kept the enemy in check ; but the generals, who were afraid of disobeying their instructions, would not begin the attack themselves. The Corinthians „ ^. , ,,, suffered most on their right wing. For Partial success of the ° ° Corcyraeans on the lift the Corcyraeans with twenty ships wing and their com- routed them, drove them in disorder to plcte defeat on the right. ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^jj^^ ^.j^j^^ ^p ^^ ^j^^j^ encampment; there landing, they plundered and burnt the deserted tents. So in this part of the battle the Corin- thians and their allies were worsted, and the Corc3Taeans