Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/230

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114 ^^^ EARLY DAYS OF ATHENS [ll went to war with him, as the Eleusinians under Eumolpus with Erectheus. But when Theseus came to the throne, he, being a powerful as well as a wise ruler, among other improvements in the administration of the country, dissolved the councils and separate governments, and united all the inhabitants of Attica in the present city, establishing one council and town hall. They continued to live on their own lands, but he compelled them to resort to Athens as their metropolis, and henceforward they* were all inscribed in the roll of her citizens 'i, A great city thus arose which was handed down by Theseus to his descendants, and from his day to this the Athenians have regularly celebrated the national festival of the Synoecia, or ' union of the com.munes ' in honour of the Goddess Athene. Before his time, what is now the Acropolis and the Small extent of the ground lying under it to the south was ancient city. the city. Many reasons may be urged in proof of this statement : — The temples of Athene and of other divinities are situated in the Acropolis itself, and those which are not lie chiefly thereabouts ; the temples of Olympian Zeus, for example, and of the Pythian Apollo, and the temple of Earth and of Dionysus in the Marshes, in honour of whom the more ancient Dionysia are cele- brated on the twelfth day of the month Anthesterion t^, a festival which also continues to be observed by the Ionian descendants of the Athenians. In the same quarter are other ancient temples, and not far off is the fountain now called Enneacrounos, or the Nine Conduits, from the form given to it by the tyrants, but originally, before the springs were covered in, Callirrhoe, or the Fair Stream. The water of this fountain was used by the ancient Athenians on great occasions, it being near the original city; and at marriage rites and other ceremonies the custom is still retained. To this day the Acropolis or Or, ' all paid taxes to Athens.' February-March.