Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/282

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1 66 WRATH OF THE LACEDAEMONIANS [ll enemy, began by sinking one of the admirals' vessels, and then wherever they went made havoc of them ; at last such was the disorder that no one any longer thought of resisting, but the whole fleet fled away to Patrae and Dyme in Achaea. The Athenians pursued them, captured twelve ships, and taking on board most of their crews, sailed away to Molycrium, They set up a trophy on Rhium, and having there dedicated a ship to Poseidon, retired to Naupactus, The Peloponnesians likewise, with the remainder of their fleet, proceeded quickly along the coast from Dyme and Patrae to Cyllene, where the Eleans have their docks. Cnemus with the ships from Leucas, which should have been joined by these, arrived after the battle of Stratus at Cyllene. S5 The Lacedaemonians at home now sent to the fleet three The Lacedaemonians commissioners, Timocrates, Brasidas, send Bj^asidas and two and Lycophron, to advise Cnemus. others to advise Cnemus. p^^ ^^g ^^^d that he must contrive to fight again and be more successful ; he should not allow a few ships to keep him off the sea. The recent sea-fight had been the firstattempt of the Lacedaemonians, and they were quite amazed and could not imagine that their own fleet was so inferior to that of the enemy. They suspected that there had been cowardice, not considering that the Athenians were old sailors and that they were only beginners »■. So they despatched the commissioners in a rage. On their arrival they and Cnemus sent round to the allied cities for ships, and equipped for action those which were on the spot. Phormio likewise sent home Ti A,i ■ J messengers to announce the victory, 1 he Athenians send o _ _ -" reinforcentents to Phor- and at the Same time to inform the mio, but order them to Athenians of the preparations which ^o o re e fits. ^j^^ enemy were making. He told them to send him immediately as large a reinforcement as possible, for he might have to fight any day. They sent » Cp. i. 142.