Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/300

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BOOK III 1 In the following summer, when the corn was in full ear, oi. 8^^' Third invasion of the Pcloponnesians and their allies, Attica by the Pelopon- under the Command of Archidamus, the nesians. ^^^ ^f Zeuxidamus, the Lacedaemo- nian king, invaded Attica, and encamping wasted the country. The Athenian cavalry as usual attacked them whenever an opportunity offered, and prevented the great body of the light-armed troops from going beyond their lines and injuring the lands near the city. The invaders re- mained until their supplies were exhausted ; they were then disbanded, and returned to their several homes. 2 No sooner had the Pcloponnesians quitted Attica than ^, , , . , the whole people of Lesbos, with the The Lesbians, with . » , ht i the exception of the exception of the Methymnaeans, re- Methymnaeans, revolt, volted from Athens. They had enter- but sooner than they tained the design before the war began, had intended, tnforma- i i ^i t ^ • i tion of their plans hav- ^"' ^^^ Lacedaemonians gave them no ing been sent to Athens encouragement. And now they were from Tenedos,Methym- ^ot ready, and were compelled to revolt na, and Mytilene itself. ., ,, i_ j • . 11 t- ■^ sooner than they had mtended. For they were waiting until they had completed the work of closing their harbours, raising walls, and building ships, and they had not as yet received from Pontus the force of archers, the corn and the other supplies for which they had sent. But the inhabitants of Tenedos, who were not on good terms with them, and the Methymnaeans, and individual citizens who were of the opposite faction and