Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/323

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36, 37]

their decision. An assembly was again summoned, and different opinions were expressed by different speakers. In the former assembly, Cleon the son of Cieaenetus had carried the decree condemning the Mytilenaeans to death. He was the most violent of the citizens, and at that time Speech of Cleon. exercised by far the greatest influence over the peopled And now he came forward a second time and spoke as follows:— 37 'I have remarked again and again that a democracy You do not know how to manage an empire; you are foolishly kind to your allies, who do not love you; and with your quick wits are always changing your minds. cannot manage an empire, but never more than now, when I see you regretting your condemnation of the Mytilenaeans. Having no fear or suspicion of one another in daily life[1], your quick wits are you deal with your allies upon the same principle, and you do not consider that whenever you yield to them out of pity or are misled by their specious tales, you are guilty of a weakness dangerous to yourselves, and receive no thanks from them. You should remember that your empire is a despotism[2] exercised over unwilling subjects, who are always conspiring against you; they do not obey in return for any kindness which you do them to your own injury, but in so far as you are their masters; they have no love of you, but they are held down by force. Besides, what can be more detestable than to be perpetually changing our minds? We forget that a state in which the laws, though imperfect, are inviolable, is better off than one in which the laws are good but ineffective[3]. Dullness and modesty are a more useful combination than cleverness and licence; and the more simple sort generally make better citizens than the more astute. For the latter desire to be thought wiser than the laws[4]; they want to be always getting their own way in public discussions; they think that they can

  • r1 Cp. iv. 21 med.
  1. Cp. i. 68 init.
  2. Cp. ii. 63 med.
  3. Cp. vi. 18 fin.
  4. Cp. i. 84 med.