Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/365

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90-92] EXPEDITIONS TO MELOS AND BOEOTIA 249 giving hostages and the other pledges which were required of them. In the same summer the Athenians sent thirty ships 91 round the Peloponnese under the com- -r, , ,., . '^ 1 liittvAtheniiiiisliijix mand of Demosthenes the son of umie,- bemostiuues ^a,l Alcisthenes, and Procles the son of *o">"i H'e Ptlo/wmese. Theodorus. They also sent sixty ships -^'-^ -^ ""'/-^V-Wa^ •^ _ ■' '^ go to Melon, and afUr and two thousand hoplites to Melos, ravaging the Uand under the command of Nicias the son ^/'/' ^<^ Oropus. At c -Ki- ^ • ■ . 11 .1 'TaiiaiTi-a Ins t root's, in 01 Niceratus, wishmg to subdue the ,^ , -^ ... ,, '/ ' o concert ivitli the A Ihen- Melians, who, although tiiey were ian land-forces, defeat islanders, resisted them and would not ^^ inhabitants. join their alliance ' So they ravaged their country, but finding that the Melians would not yield, they sailed away to Oropus, opposite Euboea. There they put in at night- fall, and the hoplites disembarking went at once by land to Tanagra in Boeotia. Meanwhile the entire Athenian force, under the command of Hipponicus the son of Callias, and Eurymedon the son of Thucles, upon a signal given marched to meet them at the same spot. There they encamped, and all together devastated the country, remaining at Tanagra during that day and the following night. On the morrow they defeated the Tanagraeans who sallied out upon them, and also some Tliebans who had come to their aid ; they then took up the arms of the slain, raised a trophy, and returned, the one part of the forces back again to the city, the other to their ships. Nicias with his sixty ships then sailed to the coast of Locris ; after ravaging the country he returned home. About the same time the Lacedaemonians founded 92 Heraclea, their colony in Trachinia. ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^.^^^^^^.^^ The intention was as follows : — The :„„s ,,„,/ //,,./,• o-.m Trachinians are one of the three Melian tiwthcr state Doris, the , ., ,, ,, . u • *u^ P.,,-oI Lacedaemonians found tribes ; the other two bemg the Paral- ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^, ^fHeracha. ians and the Hiereans, These Tra- chinians, having suffered greatly in war from their neigh- " Cp. V. 84.