Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/38

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xxxiv THUCYDIDE5 40, and, for a discussion of all these points, Kohler, Delisch- Attischer Bund, part ii. cap. 3.) There was another class of tributaries, those on the Persian border, of whom we know but little ; they probably hesitated in their allegiance between the Athenians and the Persian king, and paid tribute accordingly (cp. Hdt. vi. 42 ; Thuc. viii. 5). There is nothing to indicate that any of the Greek cities in Cyprus and Crete ever paid tribute to Athens, or that the attempts of Athens to establish her influence in these great islands mentioned by Thucydides (i. 94, 104, 112, ii. 85) met with any success : though about and after the end of the Pelo- ponnesian War we find Athens in friendly relations with King Evagoras of Salamis (Grote, ch. Ixxvi, C. 1. A. i. 64). Several states, e. g. Amphipolis, Samos, are not to be found in the quota lists, although Thucydides mentions the income derived by Athens from Amphipolis (iv. 108), and numbers Samos among the tributaries of Athens (vii. 57 init.). (See Boeckh, Staatshaush. vol. ii. p. 657 flf.)^ By 424, when Cythera was reduced (iv. 57 fin.), the lists have become fragmentary. There is no indication that the Athenian Cleruchi paid tribute, with the exception of those in Lemnos and Imbros, colonized before the establish- ment of the Delian league. [Where names occur, in the quota lists, of places in which Athenian KX-qpovxoi are said to have been settled, e. g. Chalcis in Euboea, the Thracian Chersonese, Naxos, Andros, the tribute was probably paid by the original inhabitants, who remained by the side of the Athenian settlers. In Lesbos, Thuc3^dides specially men- tions the fact that after the establishment of a cleruchy the Lesbians paid no tribute (iii. 50). See on the whole question Kirchhoff, Tributpflichtigkeit der Att. Kler., Ab- handl. der Berl. Acad., 1878 : and %loch, Rheinisches Museum, xxxix. pp. 45, 46.]

  • P. 411 ff. of the 3rd ed. (Friinkel) and notes. Some of the smaller

cities mentioned by Boeckh probably paid with others as avvTtXu^: others never actuallj' pay tribute in our extant lists of quotas, though they may have occurred in rd/cii.