Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/52

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xlviii THUCYDIDES If the total of the Hellespontian tribute, as assessed in 425 B.C., really amounted to this great sum, we may suppose the cities of the Pontus to have been included in it : of four at least of these we find traces in the rd^ts </>o/dov, NY[M*AION], l<EP[A:^OY^], nAT[RAEY2:], Nl- l<[nNIA] (C. LA. 37 z"" and z'" and Kohler, pp. 74, 75). The magnitude of the amount and the conjectural basis on which it rests raise a suspicion : and, even if the sum was assessed, we may doubt whether anything like it was really paid. The Thracian tribute, as assessed on a new fragment fitting on to the last two lines of C. I. A. 37. z" quoted above (C. I. A. iv. Suppl. iii. 37), presents a strilcing contrast to the Island tribute. Nine small towns out of the seven- teen contained in it can be compared with earlier lists '. Instead of paying 3 talents as before, they are rated at only 3,130 drachmae, just over half a talent. The tribute of one is doubled ; of one, lowered from 500 to 100 drachmae ; four remain as before. Gale, which had previously paid half a talent, Singus and Mecyberna, which had previously paid a talent each, are assessed at the nominal sum of 10 drachmae". Six cities, on the other hand, occur which are not found elsewhere : of these, one is rated at two talents, and two others at a talent each. The Carian tribute is obtained from the ra'^'i? <l>6pov, which is compared with the quota lists of previous years, and from three fragments of the quota lists, C. I. A. 261-263. The contributions of the towns admitting com- ' Another, Potidaea, is rated at looo drachmae ; but we cannot fairly compare this sum (imposed on the Athenian inoiKoil) with the 15 talents paid in 436, before the revolt and reduction of the town and the expul- sion of the previous inhabitants. ^ Cp. Kcria in the vTjtnooTiKu^ <p6po^, rated at lo} drachmae. These cities may only have been expected to pay an anapxri like Methone (p. xxxiii