Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/61

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ASCRIPTIONS Ivii How the tribute to be paid by eacli city was fixed we do not know with certainty. At the end of the later hsts after 437 b. c. a few cities occur under the headings TrdActs avrac (fiopov Ta^d/Xivai and voXeis as ol iSiwrat ii'eypaij/av <f>6pov ff>ep€iv, and in a fragment which may belong to a quota list or to a Ta^ts (fiopov (Kohler, p. 82, No. 7 ; C. I. A. 266) occur the headings — IIoAcis as crja^av ot TaKrat Jon ypayu/xarei'ovros. ndXcts as 17] PovXrj kol ol 7rei'Ta/<d(7io[i] (?) ot rjXiacrTaL trja^av. Kohler, pp. 66, 136, comparing these headings with the fragment of the ra^ts (f>6pov of 425, and with a report of the il/r](f)i(rpa of Tisamenus providing for the revision of the ancient laws after the fall of, the Thirty (Andocides, De Myst. 83), and of a law preserved by Demosthenes (c. Timocr. 20 ff.), concludes that after the vote of the assembly ordering a ra^is to take place the amounts to be imposed upon the cities were fixed in the first instance by a board of zaKTat (numbering 10, Kohler ; 8, Kirchhoff, C. I. A. 37). The tribute as proposed by them was then discussed and passed in the senate, before which any private person (i8iwTr/s) might propose amendments (cp. the if/y({)ia-/xa of TisamenUS, e^etvai 8e Koi iSiwrrj tw fSovXofiivo) cicridvTi €ts T^v /3ovr]v (n'p,(3ovX€V€LV o ti av ayaOhv €)(y] Trept rail' vopwv), and there was an appeal to a court of 500 dicasts, who might grant claims for a diminution of tribute made by the cities themselves (TrdAeis aurat : cp. rf>6pov ov av iruOm 'Kd-qvaCovs, p. Ixxxvi, infra). [Later writers (Loeschke, De Titulis aliquot Atticis, p. 16 ; Busolt, Philol. 41, p. 658 fif., 669 ff., partly follow- ing Boeckh) point out that the cities which fall under these two heads are all small, mostly lying in the Thracian district, and that some of them recur in more than one list, sometimes at an interval of several years. But it is unUkely that the same cities (and these small cities too) VOL. I. e