Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/83

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INSCRIPTIONS Ixxix no interest appears ; and mention of the Tajxiai, not of both Ta/xiaL and XoyLcrrai, OCCUrs. The inscriptions of the second class which relate to the narrative of Thucydides, arranged in order of time, are as follows : — (i) The words Trpo? 2a^toi'[s] and the number of talents expended, 128, 368, and 908, in all 1,404, are legible on a small fragment (C I. A. 177^ which may therefore be referred with probability to the revolt of Samos (Thiic. i. 116, 117). The words 'A^ryvai'a? and TayMta)[!'] show that the sums mentioned were expended from the treasury of Athene. (2) Another inscription (C. I. A. 179 and Suppl. i.), clearly referring to events mentioned by Thucydides, partly agrees and partly disagrees with his narrative of them. On a fragment of marble containing 22 lines more or less complete occur the following words : — 1. 7. [TrapeSoo^avJ (rrpariqyoZ'i es K.opKvpai' rot? [TTpwTOt? iKJirXeovaL AaKcSai/tovto) AaKta- [Sjy, Ilpwrea] At^wvet, Aiori'/ixa) Eutuvv/Aet. 1. 13. [cVt 'Ai//ei'Sovs] ap)(OVTo^ koI iirl tt)? (SovXy^i 1. 18. [ Trape'JSocrav aTpaTr]yoL<; e's Kop- rKi'pav TOi? StVTepJoi? cKTrAeoucrt, TXavKuyvi [cK KepafXio)y, McrayJcVet KoiXei, paK0VTL- [Si; Bar^^ei', eVt rJ}?] Aiavrt'Sos Trpiirai'cttt?. Cp. Thuc. i. 45, 51, where the Athenians send two squadrons to the aid of Corcyra, the first commanded by Lacedae- monius the son of Cimon, Diotimus the son of Strom- bichus, and Proteas the son of Epicles, the second by Glaucon the son of Leagrus and Andocides the son of Leogoras. The name of the Archon is lost, but the words eVi 'Ai/^evSous (he was Archon in 433-432) exactly fill up a vacant space. In the inscription we observe that Dracon or Dracontides takes the place of Andocides the son of Leogoras as the second commander of the second expe- dition. There can be no doubt that Thucydides and the