Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/138

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Upwards goeth our way, from species to beyond- species. But a horror for us is the degenerating mind which saith : ' All for myself ! '

Upwards flieth our mind: it is an image of our body, an image of an exaltation. The names of virt- ues are images of such exaltations.

Thus the body goeth through history, growing and fighting. And the spirit what is it unto the body ? The herald, companion, and echo of its fights and victories.

All names of good and evil are images : they speak not out, they only beckon. A fool he who seeketh knowledge from them !

My brethren, give heed unto each hour, in which your spirit wisheth to speak in images : there is the origin of your virtue.

There your body is exalted and risen ; with its de- light it ravisheth the spirit so that it becometh creative and valuing and loving and benefiting all things.

When your heart overfloweth, broad and full like a stream, a blessing and a danger for those dwelling nigh : there is the origin of your virtue.

When ye are raised above praise and blame, and your will seeketh to command all things, as the will of a loving one : there is the origin of your virtue.

When ye despise what is agreeable and a soft bed, and know not how to make your bed far enough from the effeminate : there is the origin of your virtue.

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