Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/173

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��Neither shall they become so! For what would be my love for beyond-man if I spake otherwise?

On a thousand bridges and gang-ways they shall throng towards the future, and ever more war and inequality shall be set up among them. Thus my great love maketh me speak !

Inventors of images and ghosts they shall become in their hostilities, and with their images and ghosts they shall fight against each other the supreme battle !

Good and evil, rich and poor, high and low, and alt the names of values: they shall be weapons and clashing signs that life always hath to surpass itself


��Upwards it striveth to build itself with pillars and stairs, life itself : into far distances it longeth to gaze and outwards after blessed beauties therefore it needeth height!

And because it needeth height it needeth stairs and contradiction between stairs and those rising be- yond them ! To rise striveth life and to surpass itself in rising.

And now behold, my friends ! Here where the cave of the tarantula is, the ruins of an old temple rise, do ye gaze there with enlightened eyes!

Verily, he who here once made his thoughts tower upwards in stone, like the wisest one he knew the secret of all life !

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