Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/306

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three have hitherto been cursed best and have had the worst renown and been calumniated worst. These three I will weigh in a humanly good spirit.

Up ! Here is my promontory, and there is the sea. That rolleth nigh unto me, with shaggy hair, flatter- ingly, the faithful old dog-monster with an hundred heads which I love.

Up ! Here will I keep the balance over the rolling sea ! And a witness I choose also, to look at my weighing, thee, thou hermit-tree, which I love, with thy strong odour and thy broad arching boughs.

On what bridge doth the Now go unto the One- day ? By what compulsion doth what is high compel itself to join what is low ? And what biddeth even the highest grow upwards ?

Now the balance standeth equal and still. Three heavy questions I have thrown into it; three heavy answers are carried by the other scale.

��Voluptuousness unto all despisers of the body who wear penance-shirts, a sting and stake, and cursed as a ' world ' by all back-worlds-men. For it mocketh at, and maketh fools of, all teachers of confusion and heresy.

Voluptuousness for the rabble the slow fire on which they are burnt ; for all worm-eaten wood, for

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