Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/116

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lengths of the tree are slightly hewn upon two opposite sides, and then sawn down the middle; the logs have
FIG. 22.
thus a nearly semicircular form (Fig. 22), the average contents of each being only about 16 feet cube. This timber derives its chief value from the figured appearance it presents when cut, or converted in the direction of its medullary rays into boards or veneers for cabinet purposes.

Riga wainscot timber passes through the process of bracking prior to its being shipped, and dealers have the option of making their selection from either the Riga, English, or Dutch crown qualities—or the brack quality—at prices varying with the market rates. These stood recently at about 100, 90, 80, and 60 shillings respectively for the log of 18 feet cube, a peculiarity in the mode of selling, which is exclusively confined to this description of timber.