Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/261

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Contracts for the supply of Dantzic Fir timber, Fir deck deals, and Oak plank for the royal navy, are made annually, the quantities of each kind varying according to the requirements of the several dockyards.

The following is the specification and conditions under which they are obtained:—

Dantzic Fir Timber. Loads.
  £ s. d.
  Best Middling At per load
  Good Middling Do.
  Common Middling Do.
Deck Deals.
4 Inches Crown At per 40-ft. run of 3 in.
Crown Brack Do.
Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
3 Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
2 Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
Stage Deals.
2 Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
Dantzic Oak Planks. Loads.
  £ s. d.
Inches Crown At per load
Crown Brack Do.
4 Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
3 Inches Crown Do.
Crown Brack Do.
&c. &c. &c.