Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/305

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No mast, yard, or bowsprit to have large or sudden bites, or large knots, or any defects that may render them unfit to serve for the use for which they are required.

The diameter and length of the Yellow Pine masts, yards, and bow-sprits to be in the following proportion:—

Mast pieces, 25 inches and upwards diameter, the length to be at least three times the diameter considered as feet; and under 25 inches to be three times the diameter considered as feet, with 9 feet added.

i.e. 25 × 3 = 75 feet. | 24 × 3 + 9 = 81 feet. | 20 × 3 + 9 = 69 feet.

Yellow Pine masts. —Pleads, or upper part 2/3 of the partners.
Hounds, or lower part 4/5
3rd Quarter 8/9
2nd 20/21
3rd 60/61
Heel as partners

N.B.—Both partners are the bigness of the mast. Length of the head, 4¾ inches to every yard the mast is long; from the heel to the lower-partners, one-sixth of the mast; ditto, upper partners, five-eighteenths.

The four quarters are divided between the upper partners and upper part of the hounds.

Yard pieces, the length to be at least 4 feet 3 inches for every inch of diameter in the slings.

i.e. 24 x 4.25 = 102 feet. | 20 x 4.25 = 85 feet.

Yards, 1st Quarter 40/41 of the slings.
Yards, 2nd Quarter
Yards, 3nd Quarter
Yard arms 1/2

Bowsprit pieces, the length to be 2 feet for every inch of diameter at the bed, with 1 foot added.

i.e. 24 x 2 + 1 = 49 feet. | 20 x 2 + 1 = 41 feet.

End 2/3 of the bed
3rd Quarter 10/12
2nd 10/11
1st 40/41
Heel 40/41
For setting off the lengths.

From the heel to the lower end of the bed, one-seventh of the bowsprit; to the upper end of the bed, three-eighths of the bowsprit.

1. Quality.—All the goods to be supplied under this contract to be of the best quality, fresh cut, good, sound, merchantable, and well-conditioned.