Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/333

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Subjoined is a list of the New Zealand trees met with, in addition to the nine just described.

10. Rewarewa. 21. Ramarama. 32 . Mida.
11. Kahikatoa.[1] 22. Pukapuka. 33. Tarata.
12. Tawa. 23. Mohoi. 34. Kohutuhutu.
13. Karoa. 24. Aki. 35. Nana.
14. Toraira. 25. Akipero. 36 . Oroaka.
15. Tongiho. 26. Towai. 37. Kiwideah.
16. Pugatea. 27. Kohekohe. 38 . Tototo.
17. Wawaku. 28. Matai. 39. Manawa.
18. Plinau. 29. Karaka. 40. Tawada.
19. Kowai. 30. Tepow.
20. Kohehu. 31. Tee.
  1. The Kahikatoa tree is of modei-ate dimensions, and yields a hard red wood; it differs widely from the Kahikatea tree described at page 305.