Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/352

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Table CLXXI.

Showing the woods which have been experimented upon, arranged in numerical order of tensile strength, and the comparative tensile strength, English Oak being = 1-000, Abstracted from the tables accompanying the description of the various kinds.

Name of the Wood Numerical
order of the verit-
cal strength
Vertical force
required to
1 square inch
of base
English Oak
being =1.000
Name of the Wood Numerical
order of the verit-
cal strength
Vertical force
required to
1 square inch
of base
English Oak
being =1.000
    lbs.       lbs.  
Kranji 01 10,920 1.442 Ash, American 20 5,495 .725
Tewart 02 10,284 1.398 Elm, English 21 5,460 .721
Pyengadu 03 9,656 1.220 Pine, Pitch 22 4,666 .616
Mora 04 9,240 1.220 Kauri, New Zealand 23 4,543 .600
Elm, Canada 05 9,182 1.213 Oak, Dantzic 24 4,212 .556
Greenheart 06 8,820 1.165 Larch, Russian 25 4,203 .555
Iorn-bark 07 8,377 1.106 Fir, Riga 26 4,051 .535
Oak, French 08 8,102 1.071 Fir, Spruce 27 3,934 .520
Molavé 09 7,812 1.032 Oak, Baltimore 28 3,382 .506
Oak, English 10 7,571 1.000 Mahogany, Cuba 29 3,791 .500
Chow 11 7,199 .951 Ash, English 30 3,780 .499
Kari 12 7,070 .934 Mahogny, Mexican 31 3,427 .451
African 13 7,052 .931 Teak, Moulmein 32 3,301 .436
Oak, White American 14 7,021 .927 Fir, Dantzic 33 3,231 .427
Kapor 15 6,790 .896 Mahogany, Honduras 34 2,998 .396
Hornbeam 16 6,405 .846 Jarrah 35 2,940 .388
Pingow 17 6,311 .832 Cedar, Cuba 36 2,870 .379
Blue Gum 18 6,084 .798 Red Pine, Canada 37 2,705 .357
Sabicu 19 5,558 .734 Yellow Pine, Canada 38 2,027 .267