Page:Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign.djvu/359

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Table CLXXIVcontinued.
Kaurie or Cowdie New Zealand See Pine.
Kathitka Burmah A substitute for Mahogany.
Kiwideah New Zealand Wheelwrights’ work, agricultural implements.
Kohekohe New Zealand A substitute for Cedar, cabinet work, domestic arts.
Kowai New Zealand Turnery, agricultural implements, clubs and spears.
Kranji Borneo Planks, beams, piles, constructive purposes generally.
Larch, Italian Europe All kinds of frame-work in architecture, piles, &c.
Larch, Polish Europe All kinds of frame-work in architecture, piles, &c.
Larch, Russian Europe All kinds of frame-work in architecture, piles, &c.
Larch, American . North America . All kinds of frame-work in architecture, piles, &c. and ship building.
Lignum Vitæ West Indies, &c. Sheaves for pulleys, turnery, domestic arts, &c.
Lauan Philippine Islds. Naval and civil architecture, furniture, &c.
Maconatari French Guiana A furniture wood, &c.
Macaranduba Brazil Employed in ship-building.
Mahogany, Spanish Cuba Cabinet work, turnery, domestic arts, ship-building.
Mahogany, Honduras ...... Cabinet work, turnery, domestic arts, ship-building.
Mahogany, Mexican. ...... Cabinet work, turnery, domestic arts, ship-building.
Mahogany, Nassau . ...... Cabinet work, turnery, domestic arts.
Mahogany,St. Domingo ...... Cabinet work, turnery, domestic arts.
Malatapay Philippine Islds. Constructive purposes generally.
Mambog Philippine Islds. Constructive purposes generally.
Mangachapuy Philippine Islds. Constructive purposes generally.
Mapilia Philippine Islds. Constructive purposes generally.
Mangalo Borneo Naval and civil architecture.
Matteral Zambesi Substitute for Mahogany.
Matai New Zealand Constructive purposes generally, furniture.
Meriquitiara Brazil Constructive purposes generally, furniture.
Mida New Zealand Agricultural implements, clubs, spears, &c.
Miro New Zealand Cabinet work, turnery, civil architecture.
Mocasso-cassa Zambesi Constructive purposes generally.
Mocua Zambesi Ship and boat building, a crooked wood for knees.
Mocunca Zambesi Ship and boat building, a crooked wood for knees.
Mocundo-cundo Zambesi Constructive purposes generally, masts.
Molavé Philippine Islds. Cabinet work, ship-building.