Page:Tirant lo Blanch; a study of its authorship, principal sources and historical setting (IA cu31924026512263).pdf/105

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3 Com, fiyl, so dix lo cauayler, 3a E com, dix lermita, no saps
e no saps tu qual es la regla e tu qual es la retgla e lorde de
lorde de cauayleria? e com pots caualleria? E com pots tu demanar
tu demanar cauayleria tro sapies caualleria fins que sapies
lorde de cauayleria? cor negun lorde, car negun cavaller no pot
cauayler no pot mantenir lorde mantenir lorde si nol sap e tot
que no sap, ni pot amar son lo que pertany a lorde:
orde ni so que pertany a son
orde, si no sap lorde de cauayleria,
ni sap conexer lo fayliment
que sia contra son orde.
Ni negun cauayler no deu fer e negun caualler sino sap
cauayler si no sap lorde de lorde de caualleria no es caualler,
cauayleria, cor desordenat cauayler car desordenat caualler es
es qui fa cauayler e no qui fa altre caualler e no li sap
li sap mostrar les custumes quis mostrar los costums que pertanyen
pertanyen a cauayler. a caualler.

4 Bel amic, ço dix lo cauayler, Mon fill, dix lermita, tot lorde
la regla e lorde de cauayleria es es en aquest libre scrit, lo qual

3 "How now, my son," this 3a "And how now," said the
said the knight, "and do you hermit, "do you not know what
not know what the rules and the rules and the Order of
the Order of Chivalry are? How Chivalry are? And how can you
can you ask for knighthood before ask for knighthood before you
you know the Order of know the order, for no knight
Chivalry? For no knight can can maintain the order if he
maintain the order that he does does not know it and all that
not know, nor can he love his pertains to the order: and no
order nor what pertains to his knight, if he does not know the
order if he does not know the Order of Chivalry, is a knight,
Order of Chivalry nor can distinguish for a poor knight is he who makes
the faults that are another a knight and cannot
against his order. Neither ought show him the practices which
any knight if he does not know pertain to a knight." Ibid.,
the Order of Chivalry make a chap. xxx.
knight, for a poor knight is he
who makes a knight and cannot
show him the practices which
pertain to a knight." Ibid.,
p. vi.

4 "My fair friend," this said 4a "My son," said the hermit,
the knight, "the rules and the "the whole order is described in