Page:Tirant lo Blanch; a study of its authorship, principal sources and historical setting (IA cu31924026512263).pdf/110

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never uses this word, but, on the other hand, he frequently employs "lançar" with the very same meaning.

After a careful comparison of the above passages, we are satisfied that the book under consideration is not a translation from an English original, nor was it first written in Portuguese. However, if the reader is still doubtful in regard to these questions, let us examine other parallel passages, of which the originals are found in another Catalan production, which bears the title Lo Somni d'En Bernat Metge.

Lo Somni d'En Bernat Metge[1] Tirant lo Blanch[2]

1a Tamaris reyna de Scithia, 1b . . . Tamarits Reyna de Sicilia
no fo de menor coratge; la qual la qual no fo de menor
en venjança de la mort de son fill animo. Car en veniança de la
y consolacio sua mata batallant mort de son fill per consolacio
aquell famos y molt temut Cirus, sua mata en batalla aquell famos
rey d'Assia, ab dos cents milia e molt temut Cirius Rey d'dasia
Persians. ab. CC. milia persians.

2a . . . y apres que la hague 2b . . . Lo dit Cornelio obtengue
dompdada, se'n glorieja tant della victoria. E sen
com si hagues vençut lo major glorieja tant com si hagues
y pus victorios princep del vençut lo major princep del
mon. mon.

1a Tomyris, Queen of Scythia, 1b . . . Tomyris, Queen of
was not of less courage: who Sicily, who was not of less
in avenging the death of her courage. For in avenging the
son and her consolation killed death of her son, for her consolation
battling that famous and much she killed in battle that
feared Cyrus, King of Asia, with famous and much feared Cyrus,
two hundred thousand Persians. King of Asia, with two hundred
                                      thousand Persians.

2a . . . and after he had defeated 2b The aforesaid Cornelius
her, he boasted about it won a victory over her. And
as if he had vanquished the he boasted about it as if he had
greatest and most victorious vanquished the greatest prince
prince in the world. in the world.

  1. Lo Somni d'En Bernat Metge, edited by R. Miquel y Planas,
    Barcelona, 1907; Libre quart, pp. 93-95.
  2. Chap. cccix, cols. 3 and 4.