Page:Title 3 CFR 1943-1948 Compilation.djvu/1065

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Chapter IV--Reorganization Plans Plan No. 3 SEC. 6. Functions under act o! June 20, 1936, with respect to the blind. The functions of the Offtee of Education and of the Commissioner of Education under the act of June 20, 1936 (49 Stat. 1559, ch. 638), are transferred to the Federal Security Administrator and shall be per- formed under his direction and control by such officers and employees of the Federal Security Agency as he shall des- lgnate. Src. 7. Assistant Commissioner o/Ed- ucation. The functions of the Assistant Commissioner of Education, created by the act of May 26, 1930 (46 Stat. 384, ch. 330), are transferred to the Office of Education to be performed under the direction and control of the Commis- sioner of Education by such officers or employees of the Office as he may desig- nate with the approval of the Federal Security Administrator. The Office of Assistant Commissioner of Education is abolished. Src. 8. Federal Board /or Vocational Education. The Federal Board for Vo- cational Education and its functions are abolished. Src. 9. Board ol Visitors o/ St. Eliza- beths Hospital. The Board of Visitors of St. Elizabeths Hospital and its functions are abolished. S-c. 10. Coordination o/ grant-in-aid programs. In order to coordinate more fully the administration of grant-in-aid programs by officers and constituent units of the Federal Security Agency, the Federal Security Administrator shall es- tablish, insofar as practicable, (a) uni- form standards and procedures relating to fiscal, personnel, and the other re- quirements common to two or more such programs, and �b) standards and pro- cedures under which a State agency par- ttcipating in more than one such pro- gram may submit a single plan of opera- tion and be subject to a single Federal fiscal and administrative review of its operation. S.c. 11. Winding up o! affairs. Suit- able measures shall be taken by the Fed- eral Security Administrator to wind up those outstanding affairs of the agencies herein abolished which are not other- wise disposed of by this plan. Szc. 12. Translet o/ personnel, prop- erty, records, and Junds. The personnel, property, records, and unexpended bal- ances of appropriations, allocations. and other funds (available or to be made available), which the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to relate primarily to the functions trans- ferred hereunder are transferred to the respective agencies concerned for use in the administration of the functions so transferred, except that all of the per- sonnel, property, records, and funds of the Industrial Division of the Children's Bureau shall be transferred to such agency or agencies of the Department of Labor as the Secretary of Labor shall disignate. Any of the personnel trans- ferred under this plan whic. the trans- feree agency shall find to be in excess of the personnel necessary for the admin- istration of the functions transferred to such agency shall be retransferred under existing law to other positions in the Government or separated from the service. REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 3 OF 1946 Prepared by the President and transmit- ted to the Senate and the House o/ lepresentatives in Congress assem- bled, Malt 16, 1946, pursuant to the provisions o! the Reorganization Act o! 1945, approved December 20. 1945. x PART I. DEPART]ENT OF THE TREASURY S.CXON 101. Functions trans/erred to the United States Coast Guard. (a) There are hereby transferred to the Commandant of the Coast Guard those functions of the bureau, offices, and boards specified in the first sentence of section 104 of this plan, and of the Secre- tary of Commerce, which pertain to ap- proval of plans for the construction, repair, and alteration of vessels; ap- proval of materials, equipment, and appliances; classification of vessels; in- spection of vessels and their equipment and appliances; issuance of certificates of inspection, and of permits indicating the approval of vessels for operations which may be hazardous to life or prop- erty; administration of load line require- merits; enforcement of other provisions for the safety of life and property on vessels; licensing and certificating of officers, pilots, and seamen; suspension and revocation of licenses and certifi- cates; investigation of marine casualties;

Effective 3uly 16, 1946, under the pro- 

visions of section 6 of the act; published pur- suant to section 11 of the act (Pub. Law 268, 79th Cong.). Page 1065

Page 1065