Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/135

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Proc. 7585 Title 3--The President .[Welded...:] : Other : 9903 73 28 In aggregate quanhties from each other : supplying country not m excess of : 8,164,663 kg, the foregoing the product : of such country .................. : No change : No : No change \337 : change : 9903 73 29 Other. ..................... The rate pro- :The rate wdcd m thc : provided in \337 Rates of Duty I \337 Rates of General subcol- : Duty 2 col- ' umn for the ap- umn for the phcable sub \337 apphcablc heading \337 subheadrag \337 (7\177,06 10. I 0 o\177 . (7306\337 10 I 0 \337 7306 10 50) or 7306 10.50) \337 Ii% +21%" 122