Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/180

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Proclamations Proc. 7617 Proclamation 7617 of October 31, 2002 National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2002 By the President of the United States o/America A Proclamation Alzheimer's Disease robs its victims of their independence and identity and \365reatly affects the lives of their loved ones. This disease and other forms of dementia afflict approximately 50 percent of Americans a\365e 85 and older. Due to the rapid \365rowth of our elderly population, experts expect that the number of individuals who will develop this debilitatin\365 illness will dramatically increase. As we observe National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, we rededirate ourselves to fi\365htin\365 this devastatin\365 af- fliction and to supportin\365 Alzheimer's patients, their families, and their care\365ivers. Alzheimer's Disease harms its victims by alterin\365 the brain's chemistry and disruptin\365 si\365nals to the brain by attackin\365 cells, nerves, and transmitters. Those who develop Alzheimer's Disease may experience memory lapses, confusion, or mood swin\365s. They can also become withdrawn and de- pressed due to lost confidence, and they have si\365nificant problems commu- nicatin\365. These symptoms usually worsen over time and, in most cases, pa- tients eventually need help with all of their daily activities. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and in the private sector are workin\365 to understand how Alzheimer's develops. We hope that their advances will lead to new methods for early dia\365nosis, new medica- tions that will aid Alzheimer's patients in all sta\365es of the disease, and ulti- mately a cure for this debilitatin\365 illness. Recent studies su\365\365est that com- monly used substances, includin\365 certain vitamins and anti-inflammatory dru\365s, may help prevent Alzheimer's Disease. In addition, we are workin\365 to increase understandin\365 of the \365enetic and non\365enetic risk factors that may influence the development of this disease. As we continue to pursue better prevention and treatment re\365imes, we re- main committed to carin\365 for those now afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's patients \365enerally live for an avera\365e of 8 to 10 years after they are alia\365nosed. As the disease pro\365resses, patients require increased support from families and care\365ivers. Scientists at the NIH and the Department of Veterans Affairs are continuin\365 their research to help improve patient care and ease the burdens of care- \365ivers at home and in nutsin\365 facilities. The Administration on A\365in\365 is workin\365 to develop best practices for servin\365 persons with Alzheimer's dis- ease and assistin\365 States as they attempt to improve their responsiveness and the accessibility of home and community-based lon\365-term care services and other support resources. My Administration is increasin\365 access to available information, education, and referrals about dia\365nostic and treat- ment services for those afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease. Durin\365 National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, I commend the members of our research community for their commitment to improvin\365 di- a\365nosis and treatment for Alzheimer's Disease; and I encoura\365e those suf- fering from or at risk for Alzheimer's to participate in clinical treatment studies and therapy trials. These studies and trials have been and continue 167