Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/38

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Proclamations Proc. 7529 ANNEX (connnued) 5 mm but less than or equal to 0.560 mm, will have roughness (RZ) less than or equal to 0.8 nncrometer; if thickness \177s greater than 0.560 mm, wdl have roughness (RZ) less than or equal to 1.0 micrometer; (C) ultra thin gauge steel strip, of a thickness less than or equal to O. 100 mm (+/- 7 percent) and a w\177dth of 100 to 600 mm: chemical composition: carbon content less than or equal to 0.07 percent by weight, manganese content greater than or equal to 0.2 but less than or equal to 0.5 percem b2* weight, phosphorus content less than or equal to 0.05 percent by ,.\177e\177ght. sulfur content less than or equal to 0.05 percent by weight and aluminum content less than or equal to 0.07 percent by weight; mechamcal properties: hardness equals full hard (HV 180 miramum); total elongation less than 3 percent; and tensile strength of 600 to 850 N/mm:; physical properties: surface finish less than or equal to 0.3 mtcron; camber (in 2.0 m) less than 3.0 ram; flatness (in 2.0 m) less than or equal to 0.5 mm; edge burr less than 0.0l mm greater than thickness; and cod set (m 1.0 m) less than 75.0 ram; (D) silicon steel of a thickness of 0.61 mm +/- 0.038 mm and a width from 838 to 1156 ram, inclusive; chemical composition: minimum silicon content of 0.65 percent, by weight, maximum carbon content ufO.004 percent, by weight, maximum manganese content of 0.4 percent, by wetght, maximum phosphorus content ufO.09 percent, by weight, maximum sulfur content oF0.009 percent, by ',\177eight, n\177axin\177un\177 aluminum content of 0.4 percent, by weight. mechamcal propernes: hardness orb 60-75 (aim 65); physical propcrees: smooth fimsh (0.76-1.52 m\177crons), gamma crown (in 127 ram) of 0.013 ram, with measurement beginning 6 mm from slit edge; flatness of 20 i-unit maximum; coating ofC3a - 0.08a maximum (A2 coating acceptable); camber (in any 3000 ram) of 1.59 mm; coil size inside diameter of 508 ram; magnetic properties: core loss (1.5T/60 Hz) NAAS of 8.4 watts/kg maximum; and permeability (I.5T/60 Hz) NAAS of 1700 gauss/oersted typical 1500 minimum; (E) aperture mask steel having an ultra-fiat surface flatness, of a thickness from 0.025 mm to 0.245 mm and a width from 381 mm to 1000 ram; chemical composition: carbon content of less than 0.0t percent, by weight, nitrogen content greater than or equal to 0.004 and less than or equal to 0.007 percent, by weight, and aluminum content of less than 0.007 percent. by weight: (F) annealed and temper-rolled cold-rolled continuously cast steel meeting the following characteristics: chemical composition: carbon content of minimum 0.02 and maximum 0.06 percent, by weight; manganese content of minimum 0.20 and maximum 0.40 percent, by weight; maximum phosphorus content of 0.02 percent, by weight; maximum sulfur content of 0.023 (aiming 0.018 maximum) percent, by weight; maximum silicon content of 0.03 percent, by weight; minimum aluminum content ufO.03 percent, by weight and maximum 0.08 (aiming 0.05) percent, by weight; maximum arsenic content ufO.02 percent, by weight; maximum copper content ufO.08 percent, by weight; nitrogen content of minimum 0.003 percent, by weight and maximum 0.008 (aiming 0.005) percent, by weight; non-metallic \177nclus\177ons: exammarion xvith the S.E.M. shall not reveal individual oxides greater than I m\177cron and inclusion groups or clusters shall not exceed 5 microns m length: surface treatment as follows: the surface finish shall be free of defects (digs, scratches, p\177ts, gouges, slivers, etc.) and suitable for nickel plating; and surface finish shall be extra bright with roughness (RA) of 0 microns to 0.2 m\177crons with an aim of 0.1 microns; (G) annealed and temper-rolled cold-rolled continuously cast steel, in coils, which includes a certificate of analysis per cable systems international (CS I) specification 96012 and meets the following characteristics: chemical composition: maximum carbon content of0.13 percent, by weight; maximum manganese content of 0.60 percent, by weight; maximum phosphorus content ufO.02 percent, by weight; maximum sulfur content of 0.05 percent, by weight; additional properties: theoretical thickness ufO. 15 ram,+/- I0 percent of theoretical thickness; width of 787 mm; tensile strength of 310 to 379 MPa; and elongation of a minimum of ! 5 percent \177n 50 mm; 25