Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/387

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Title 3--The President Iran; continuation of national emergency Migration and refugee assistance (Pres- (Notices of Mar. 13, p. 289; Nov. 12, p. idential Determination No. 02-29, p. 327) 307) Iraq Libya; continuation of national emer- Continuation of national emergency gency (Notice of }an. 3, p. 275) (Notice of luly 30, p. 305) Line pipe; imports from Korea (Proc. Designation of democratic opposition 7585) organizations under the Iraq Libera- Longshore and Warehouse Union, Inter- tion Act of 1998 (Presidential Deter- national; creation of a board of inquiry mination No. 03-05, p. 331) (E.G. 13275) Drawdown assistance for certain oppo- Loyalty Day (Proc. 7549) sition groups under the Iraq Libera- tion Act of 1998 (Presidential Deter- M mination No. 03-06, p. 331) Maritime Day, National (Proc. 7565) Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. Martin Luther King, }r., Federal holiday 7526) (Proc. 7518) Israel Mental Health, President's New Freedom Duty-free treatment for certain agricul- Commission on; establishment (E.G. tural products (Proc. 7554) 13263) Suspension of security funding limita- Mentoring Month, National (Proc. 7519) tions for U.S. Embassy in }erusalem Mexico; narcotics certification (Presi- (Presidential Determination No. 02- dential Determination No. 02-07, p. 23, p. 300) 279) Middle East; continuation of emergency relating to terrorists who threaten to }amaica; narcotics certification (Presi- disrupt the peace process (Notice of dential Determination No. 02-07, p. }an. 18, p. 277) 279) Minority Enterprise Development Week }erusalem Embassy Act; suspension of (Proc. 7596) funding limitations (Presidential De- Missing Children's Day, National (Proc. termination Nos. 02-23, p. 300; 03-08, 7566) p. 338) Mother's Day (Proc. 7557) }ewish Heritage Week (Proc. 7541) N K National Park Week (Proc. 7546) Nigeria Kiribati; eligibility for defense articles Military assistance (Presidential Deter- and services (Presidential Determina- mination No. 02-16, p. 294) tion No. 02-09, p. 289) Narcotics certification (Presidential Korea; line pipe imports (Proc. 7585) Determination No. 02-07, p. 279) Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDG); U.S. contribu- O tions (Presidential Determination No. 02-12, p. 292) Older Americans Month (Proc. 7551) Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, Na- Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness tional (Proc. 7578) Week, National (Proc. 7544) Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Na- L tional (Proc. 7587) Labor-Management Relations Program, P Federal; exempting certain Department of lustice subdivisions (E.G. 13252) Pakistan; narcotics certification (Presi- Laos; narcotics certification (Presidential dential Determination No. 02-07, p. Determination No. 02-07, p. 279) 279) Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 7548) Palau; eligibility for defense articles and Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 7605) services (Presidential Determination Lewis and Clark Bicentennial (Proc. No. 02-09, p. 289) 7575) Palestine Liberation Organization; waiv- Liberia er of statutory provisions (Presidential Continuation of national emergency Determination Nos. 02-14, p. 293; 03- (Notice of}an. 15, p. 276) 03, p. 315; 03-04, p. 330) 374