Page:Title 3 CFR 2005 Compilation.djvu/320

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Table 3--Other Presidential Documents Signatm'e Date Subiect 70 FR Page 2005 July 21 ...... Memorandum: Assignment of Certain Functions Under 43251 Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930. July 21 ...... Memorandum: Assignment of Reporting Functions .............. 43249 July 30 ...... Memorandum: Assignment of Functions Relating to Certain 46741 Funding for Unanticipated Needs. Aug. 2 ...... Notice: Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Con- 45273 trol Regulations. Aug. 2 ...... Presidential Determination No. 2005-31: Waiving Prohibi- 46395 tion on U.S. Military Assistance With Respect to Cam- bodia. Aug. 5 ...... Memorandum: Assignment of Reporting Function ............... 46397 Aug. 17 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-32: Continuation of 50949 U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Colombia. Aug. 29 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-33: Waiving Prohibi- 55011 tion on Use of FY 2005 Economic Support Funds With Respect to Jordan. Sept. 8 ...... Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency With Re- 54229 spect to Certain Terrorist Attacks. Sept. 9 ...... Memorandum: Assignment of Functions With Respect to 55013 Loan Guarantees to Egypt. Sept. 9 ...... Presidential Determination No. 2005-34: Waiving Prohibi- 55015 tion on United States Military Assistance With Respect to Benin. Sept. 12 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-35: Continuation of 54607 the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Sept. 14 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-36: Presidential Deter- 56807 mination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Pro- ducing Countries for Fiscal Year 2006. Sept. 21 .... Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency With Re- 55703 spect to Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism. Sept. 21 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-37: Presidential Deter- 57481 mination With Respect to Foreign Governments' Efforts Regarding Trafficking In Persons. Sept. 26 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-38: Presidential Deter- 60397 mination Relating to Assistance for Saudi Arabia. Sept. 28 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-39: Transfers of De- 60399 fense Articles or Services for Libya for Chemical Weap- ons Destruction. Sept. 28 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-40: Transfers of De- 60401 fense Articles or Services and Brokering Activities for Libya Relating to Disposition of Libyan-owned C-130H Aircraft. Sept. 29 .... Presidential Determination No. 2005-41: Transfer of Funds 60403 From FY 2004 and 2005 Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act Accounts to the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Account To Support the C-8 Women's Justice and Empowerment Ini- tiative. Oct. 14 ..... Presidential Determination No. 2006-01: Waiver and Cer- 62225 tiffcation of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Office. Oct. 16 ..... Presidential Determination No. 2006-02: Provision of U.S. 62227 Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of Brazil. 307