Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/213

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Proc. 8097 Title 3--The President set forth in that subsection. The Commission has recommended modifica- tions to the HTS pursuant to sections 1205(c) and (d) of the 1988 Act (\1779 U.S.C. 3005(c) and (d)) to conform the HTS to amendments made to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the "Convention"). 2. Section \177206(a) of the \177988 Act (\1779 U.S.C. 3006(a)) authorizes the Presi- dent to proclaim modifications to the HTS based on the recommendations of the Commission under section 1205 of the \177988 Act, if he determines that the modifications are in conformity with United States obligations under the Convention and do not run counter to the national economic in- terest of the United States. I have determined that the modifications to the HTS proclaimed in this proclamation pursuant to section \177206(a) of the \177988 Act (\1779 U.S.C. 3006(a)) are in conformity with United States obliga- tions under the Convention and do not run counter to the national eco- nomic interest of the United States. 3. Presidential Proclamation 6641 of December \1775, \177993, implemented the North American Free Trade Agreement (the "NAFTA") with respect to the United States and, pursuant to section 20\177 of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the "NAFTA Implementation Act") (\1779 U.S.C. 3331), the staged reductions in rates of duty that the President determined to be necessary or appropriate to carry out articles 302, 305, 307, 308, and 703 and Annexes 302.2, 307A, 308A, 308.2, 300-B, 703.2, and 703.3 of the NAFTA. In order to ensure the continuation of such staged reductions in rates of duty for originating goods of Mexico under tariff cat- egories that are being modified to reflect the amendments to the Conven- tion, I have determined that additional modifications to the HTS are nec- essary or appropriate to carry out the duty reductions previously pro- claimed. 4. Presidential Proclamation 6763 of December 23, \177994, implemented with respect to the United States the trade agreements resulting from the Uru- guay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, including Schedule XX- United States of America, annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade \177994 (Schedule XX), that were entered into pursuant to sections l102(a) and (e) of the \177988 Act (\1779 U.S.C. 2902(a) and (e)) and approved in section 101(a) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA) (\1779 U.S.C. 35\177(a)). 5. Pursuant to the authority provided in section iii of the URAA (\1779 U.S.C. 352\177) and sections l102(a) and (e) of the \177988 Act, Proclamation 6763 included the staged reductions in rates of duty that the President de- termined to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of Schedule XX. In order to ensure the continuation of such rates of duty for imported goods under tariff categories that are being modified to reflect the amendments to the Convention, I have determined that additional modi- fications to the HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry out the duty re- ductions previously proclaimed, including certain technical or conforming changes within the tariff schedule. 6. Presidential Proclamation 735\177 of October 2, 2000, implemented section 2\177 of the United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) (title II of Public Law 106-200, \1774 Stat. 286) in order to provide certain preferential tariff treatment to eligible articles that are the product of any country that the President designates as a "CBTPA beneficiary country" 200