Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/341

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Title 3--The President Memorandum of December 21, 2006 Provision of Aviation Insurance Coverage for Commercial Air Carrier Service in Domestic and International Operations Memorandum for the Secretmy of Transportation \177]y the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and ]aws of the United States, inc]udin\365 49 U.S.C. 44302, e! seq., and 3 U.S.C. 301, I hereby: 1. determine that continuation of U.S.-fia\365 cornmercia] air service is nec- essary in the interest of air commerce, nationa] security, and the forei\365n po]icy of the United States\177 2. approve provision by the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) of in- surance or reinsurance to U.S.-fia\365 air carriers a\365ainst ]oss or dama\365e aris- in\365 out of any risk from the operation of an aircraft in the manner and to the extent provided in Chapter 443 of 49 U.S.C.: (a) unti] Au\365ust 3% 2007\177 (b) after Au\365ust 3% 2007, but no ]ater than December 3% 2007, when the Secretary determines that such insurance or reinsurance cannot be ob- tained on reasonab]e terms and conditions from any company authorized to conduct an insurance business in a State of the United States\177 and 3. de]e\365ate to the Secretary the authority vested in me by 49 U.S.C. 44306(c) to extend this determination for additiona] periods beyond Au\365ust 3% 2007, but no ]ater than December 3% 2007, when the Secretary finds that the continued operation of aircraft to be insured or reinsured is nec- essary in the interest of air commerce or the nationa] security, or to carry out the forei\365n po]icy of the United States Government. You are directed to brin\365 this determination immediate]y to the attention of a]] air carriers within the meanin\365 of 49 U.S.C. 40\17702(2), and to arran\365e for its pub]ication in the Federal Re\365ister. GEORGE W. gUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, December 21, 2006. 328