Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/390

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Index Vietnam Weapons of mass destruction Defense articles and services, eligi- Continuation of national emergency bility to receive (Presidential Deter- mination No. 07-10, p. 329) (Notice of Oct. 27, p. 319) Normal trade relations treatment North Korea; sanctions for nuclear ex- (Proc. 8096) plosive device detonation (Presi- Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness dential Determination No. 07-7, p. Act of \177988, determinations (Memo- 325) randum of Nov. 6, p. 320) Vision Week, Save Your (Proc. 7986) Western Balkans; continuation of na- Voluntarism; USA Freedom Corps, Vol- tional emergency (Notice of }une 22, unteers for Prosperity program; pro- p. 298) moting world health (EO \17734\1778) White Cane Safety Day (Proc. 8069) Volunteer Week, National (Proc. 8004) Women's Equality Day (Proc. 8040) W Women's History Month (Proc. 7985) Wages; Federal pay-related functions, as- World AIDS Day (Proc. 8087) signment (EO \1773415) Wright Brothers Day (Proc. 809\177) 377