Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/99

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Proc. 8031 Title 3--The President 5 23,740820 -166.927560 6 24.036510 -166.924170 7 24,034000 -166.752270 8 24.166840 -166.750000 9 23.999970 -165.583330 Table C-2 Gardner Pinnacles Special Preserveion Area PointlD Latitude Longitude' 1 25.069550 -167.932070 2 25,041750 -167.925060 3 25.013260 -167.941650 4 24.941640 -167.941660 5 24.906030 -167.922730 6 24.881740 -167.901230 7 24,849970 -167.891660 8 24.747630 -167.897660 9 24.629080 -167.872660 10 24,590720 -167.873600 11 24.563150 -167.866590 12 24.491640 -167,875000 13 24.448290 -167,890630 14 24.428440 -167.901840 15 24.411150 -167,954400 16 24,419790 -167,989680 17 24,438010 -168.003690 18 24.508310 -168.016660 19 24.574980 -168.050000 20 24,591640 -168.083330 21 24.699970 -168,125000 22 24,774970 -168.133330 23 24.816640 -168.150000 24 24,883310 -168.150000 25 24.949970 -168.225000 26 25.008310 -168.266660 27 25.065400 -168.277990 28 25,093010 -168.267940 29 25.103750 -168.250890 30 25,165870 -168.225750 31 25.181750 -168.196320 32 25,191640 -168.141660 33 25.192730 -168.086360 34 25.174040 -168.041280 35 25.124980 -167,983330 36 25.069550 -167.932070 Table C-3 Kure Atoll Special Preservation Area PointlD Latitude Longitude' 1 28.392840 -178.429820