Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/102

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The Tragedy of

Hath ordain'd to an honourable end,
For peace, for love, for league, and good to Rome:
Please you, therefore, draw nigh, and take your places. 24

Sat. Marcus, we will. Hautboys.

A table brought in. [The Company sit down at table.] Enter Titus, like a Cook, placing the meat on the table; and Lavinia with a veil over her face [and young Lucius with Others].

Tit. Welcome, my gracious lord; welcome, dread queen;
Welcome, ye warlike Goths; welcome, Lucius;
And welcome, all. Although the cheer be poor, 28
'Twill fill your stomachs, please you eat of it.

Sat. Why art thou thus attir'd, Andronicus?

Tit. Because I would be sure to have all well
To entertain your highness, and your empress. 32

Tam. We are beholding to you, good Andronicus.

Tit. An if your highness knew my heart, you were.
My lord the emperor, resolve me this:
Was it well done of rash Virginius 36
To slay his daughter with his own right hand,
Because she was enforc'd, stain'd, and deflower'd?

Sat. It was, Andronicus.

Tit. Your reason, mighty lord? 40

Sat. Because the girl should not survive her shame,
And by her presence still renew his sorrows.

Tit. A reason mighty, strong, and effectual;
A pattern, precedent, and lively warrant, 44
For me most wretched, to perform the like.
Die, die, Lavinia, and thy shame with thee;

33 beholding: beholden
35 resolve me: tell me
36, 37 rash Virginius . . . his daughter; cf. n.
38 enforc'd: violated