Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/156

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The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus

Oft have I digd vp dead men from their graves
And set them vpright at their deere frendes dore
Even almost when theire sorrowes was forgott
And on their brestes as on the barke of trees
Have with my knife carvd in Romane letters
Lett not your sorrowe dy though I am dead
Tut I have done a thousand dreadfull thinges
As willingly as one would kill a fly
And nothing greives mee hartily indeede
for that I cannot doo ten thousand more & cetera

  1. The manuscript breaks off here. It was apparently the intention of Peacham to give a speaking part to Alarbus, who is without a speech in the extant editions of Titus.