Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/166

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The Tragedy of

chase: 35 (II. iii. 255)

cheer: 10 (I. i. 264)

churl: 19 (I. i. 486)

Cimmerian: 28 (II. iii. 72)

circumscribed: 3 (I. i. 68)

circumstance of all: 64 (IV. ii. 158)

closing: 81 (V. ii. 70)

closure: 92 (V. iii. 134)

clubs: 21 (II. i. 37)

Cocytus: 34 (II. iii. 236)

codding: 77 (V. i. 99)

coffin: 86 (V. ii. 189)

coil: 47 (III. i. 224)

compact: 90 (V. iii. 88)

compassion: 57 (IV. i. 124)

complot: 35 (II. iii. 265)

controll'd: 17 (I. i. 420); 74 (V. i. 26)

Coriolanus: 72 (IV. iv. 67)

Cornelia: 53 (IV. i. 12)

course of, in: 72 (IV. iv. 66)

cousin: 38 (II. iv. 12)

create: 9 (I. i. 224)

Cyclops: 66 (IV. iii. 46)

damn'd as he is: 91 (V. iii. 124)

dancing-rapier: 21 (II. i. 39)

date: 7 (I. i. 168)

deadly-standing: 27 (II. iii. 32)

dear sight: 48 (III. i. 256)

decreed: 36 (II. iii. 274)

devil, bring down the: 78 (V. i. 145)

device: 16 (I. i. 395)

dispose: 64 (IV. ii. 175)

drive upon: 28 (II. iii. 64)

dumps: 16 (I. i. 391)

echo mocks the hounds: 27 (II. iii. 17)

ecstasies: 70 (IV. iv. 21)

ecstasy: 58 (IV. i. 125)

effect, to: 67 (IV. iii. 59)

effectless: 42 (III. i. 77)

egal justice, extent of: 69 (IV. iv. 3, 4)

election: 2 (I. i. 22); 8 (I. i. 183)

embrewed: 34 (II. iii. 222)

emperial's: 68 (IV. iii. 93)

empery: 2 (I. i. 19)

enacts (noun): 62 (IV. ii. 119)

Enceladus: 62 (IV. ii. 94)

encounter with: 79 (V. ii. 2)

enemy's castle: 45 (III. i. 170)

enforc'd: 88 (V. iii. 38)

engine: 42 (III. i. 83); 24 (II. i. 123)

entreats, at: 18 (I. i. 449)

envious: 43 (III. i. 97)

erst: 55 (IV. i. 63)

escape: 62 (IV. ii. 114)

even with: 69 (IV. iv. 8)

exclaims (noun): 56 (IV. i. 86)

fact: 54 (IV. i. 39)

fatal: 29 (II. iii. 97)

fear not: 37 (II. iii. 305)

fell: 90 (V. iii. 100)

fere: 56 (IV. i. 89)

file our engines: 24 (II. i 123)

fond: 32 (II. iii. 172)

for (as for): 66 (IV. iii. 39)

for (because): 76 (V. i. 74)

for ever being: 75 (V. i. 50)

for why: 47 (III. i. 230)

forfend: 17 (I. i. 434)

frankly: 17 (I. i. 420)

fraught: 4 (I. i. 71)

funerals: 15 (I. i. 381)

fury: 54 (IV. i. 24)

gad: 57 (IV. i. 103)

gallops: 20 (II. i. 7)

gear: 66 (IV. iii. 52)

gentleness: 10 (I. i. 237)

give me aim: 92 (V. iii. 149)