Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/37

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Titus Andronicus, II. i

Of a cut loaf to steal a shive, we know:
Though Bassianus be the emperor's brother, 88
Better than he have worn Vulcan's badge.

Aar. [Aside.] Ay, and as good as Saturninus may.

Dem. Then why should he despair that knows to court it
With words, fair looks, and liberality? 92
What! hast thou not full often struck a doe,
And borne her cleanly by the keeper's nose?

Aar. Why, then, it seems, some certain snatch or so
Would serve your turns.

Chi. Ay, so the turn were serv'd. 96

Dem. Aaron, thou hast hit it.

Aar. Would you had hit it too!
Then should not we be tir'd with this ado.
Why, hark ye, hark ye! and are you such fools
To square for this? Would it offend you, then, 100
That both should speed?

Chi. Faith, not me.

Dem. Nor me, so I were one.

Aar. For shame, be friends, and join for that you jar:
'Tis policy and stratagem must do 104
That you affect; and so must you resolve
That what you cannot as you would achieve,
You must perforce accomplish as you may.
Take this of me: Lucrece was not more chaste 108
Than this Lavinia, Bassianus' love.
A speedier course than ling'ring languishment
Must we pursue, and I have found the path.

87 shive: slice
89 Vulcan's badge; cf. n.
100 square: put oneself in a boxing attitude, quarrel
103 that you jar: that which you are quarreling about
105 affect: desire
108 Lucrece; cf. n.
110 ling'ring languishment: a long-drawn-out courtship