Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/78

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The Tragedy of

And tell them both the circumstance of all,
And how by this their child shall be advanc'd,
And be received for the emperor's heir, 160
And substituted in the place of mine,
To calm this tempest whirling in the court;
And let the emperor dandle him for his own.
Hark ye, lords; ye see, I have given her physic, 164
[Pointing to the Nurse.]
And you must needs bestow her funeral;
The fields are near, and you are gallant grooms.
This done, see that you take no longer days,
But send the midwife presently to me. 168
The midwife and the nurse well made away,
Then let the ladies tattle what they please.

Chi. Aaron, I see thou wilt not trust the air
With secrets.

Dem. For this care of Tamora, 172
Herself and hers are highly bound to thee.

Exeunt [Demetrius and Chiron, bearing
off the Nurse's body

Aar. Now to the Goths, as swift as swallow flies:
There to dispose this treasure in mine arms,
And secretly to greet the empress' friends. 176
Come on, you thick-lipp'd slave, I'll bear you hence;
For it is you that puts us to our shifts:
I'll make you feed on berries and on roots,
And feed on curds and whey, and suck the goat, 180
And cabin in a cave, and bring you up
To be a warrior, and command a camp. Exit.

158 circumstance of all: all the details
165 bestow her funeral: give her burial
167 no longer days: no more time
168 presently: instantly
175 dispose: dispose of