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Titus Andronicus, IV. iii

Ad Jovem, that's for you: here, ad Apollinem:
Ad Martem, that's for myself:
Here, boy, to Pallas: here, to Mercury:
To Saturn, Caius, not to. Saturnine; 56
You were as good to shoot against the wind.
To it, boy! Marcus, loose when I bid.
Of my word, I have written to effect;
There's not a god left unsolicited. 60

Mar. Kinsmen, shoot all your shafts into the court:
We will afflict the emperor in his pride.

Tit. Now, masters, draw. [They shoot.] O! well said, Lucius!
Good boy, in Virgo's lap: give it Pallas. 64

Mar. My lord, I aim a mile beyond the moon;
Your letter is with Jupiter by this.

Tit. Ha, ha! Publius, Publius, what hast thou done?
See, see! thou hast shot off one of Taurus' horns. 68

Mar. This was the sport, my lord: when Publius shot,
The Bull, being gall'd, gave Aries such a knock
That down fell both the Ram's horns in the court;
And who should find them but the empress' villain? 72
She laugh'd, and told the Moor, he should not choose
But give them to his master for a present.

Tit. Why, there it goes: God give his lordship joy!

Enter the Clown, with a basket, and two pigeons in it.

News! news from heaven! Marcus, the post is come. 76
Sirrah, what tidings? have you any letters?
Shall I have justice? what says Jupiter?

53, 54 Ad Jovem, etc.: to Jupiter, to Apollo, to Mars
58 loose: shoot
59 Of my word: upon my word
to effect: to the purpose
63 well said: well done
64–70 Virgo . . . Taurus . . . Aries: constellations; cf. n.