Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/93

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Titus Andronicus, V. ii

Desires to be admitted to your presence.

Luc. Let him come near.

Enter Æmilius.

Welcome, Æmilius! what's the news from Rome?

Æmil. Lord Lucius, and you princes of the Goths, 156
The Roman emperor greets you all by me;
And, for he understands you are in arms,
He craves a parley at your father's house,
Willing you to demand your hostages, 160
And they shall be immediately deliver'd.

[1.] Goth. What says our general?

Luc. Æmilius, let the emperor give his pledges
Unto my father and my uncle Marcus, 164
And we will come. March away.

Flourish. Exeunt.

Scene Two

[Rome. Before Titus's House]

Enter Tamora and her two Sons, disguised.

Tam. Thus, in this strange and sad habiliment,
I will encounter with Andronicus,
And say I am Revenge, sent from below
To join with him and right his heinous wrongs, 4
Knock at his study, where, they say, he keeps,
To ruminate strange plots of dire revenge;
Tell him, Revenge is come to join with him,
And work confusion on his enemies. 8

They knock. Titus opens his study door [above].

Tit. Who doth molest my contemplation?

160 Willing: desiring

2 encounter with: meet