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Tixall Poetry.
And yet I may retort, how can my sence
Doubt that in all, which, by experience,
I find in me, who have the least pretence?

In earnest, madam, such as you, who are
So lov'd by all, I grant may better spare
Self-love to us, who need a greater share.

And yet that very gratitude, which you
Referre unto yourselves, as still you doe,
Containes a smattering in't of self-love too.

Had I a style, or pen, lyke yours to try,
In such a cause I might, compendiously,
At once my self-love prayse, and justify.

Where now my slender veine must stretch in fine
To shoot out all in length, since ten of myne,
In substance hardly tythe your single line.