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I happened to make a visit at Tixall. For some time before, I had been strongly impressed with an idea, that some valuable manuscripts were still concealed at that place; and, in particular, as I knew that Sir Walter Aston had been twice ambsssador in Spain during the reigns of James I. and his son, Charles I. and that a volume of his manuscripts, relating to his second embassy, was actually in the library, I naturally hoped at least, that his other State Papers might still be in existence, and that by a diligent search in the library, and other repositories at Tixall, they might still be found.

Actuated by these considerations, animated by these hopes, I determined to make every enquiry which might lead to the discovery of any hidden manuscripts, and to leave no place unsearched, in which there was the smallest probability of such treasures being concealed. My enquiries, and searches, were crowned with complete success. Besides an additional packet of letters, which had belonged to Sir Ralph Sadler, and which contain some further particulars, respecting the confinement of the Queen of Scotland, in Tutbury Castle, I discovered, 1. All the poems which I now offer to the public, under the title of Tixall Poetry; 2. A large quantity of letters, and other papers, relating to the Aston family; 3. A complete collection of the state papers, and letters, of Sir Walter Aston, during his two embassies in Spain.

Of the manner in which these manuscripts were discovered, and of the state in which they were found, 1 shall now give a particular relation.

On my arrival at Tixall, I began my search by enquiring after an old oaken box, covered with variegated gilt leather, and ornamented with brass nails, which, according to the tradition of the family, had belonged to Sir Ralph Sadler. It is certain, that Sir Ralph Sadler's State Papers had been preserved in that box, both at Standon Lord-