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Tixall Poetry.
   A martyr's daughter weds a confessor!
  When innocence and truth became a crime,
      By voluntary banishment,
   He left our sacrilegious clime,
   And to a forrain country went;
  Or rather, there, by Providence was sent:
  For Providence designed him to reside,
   Where he, from his abundant stock,
   Might nourish God's afflicted flock,
And, as his steward, for their wants provide.
  A troop of exiles on his bounty fed,
  They sought, and found with him their daily bread;
As the large troop increast, the larger table spread.
   The cruse ne're emptied, nor the store
      Decreas'd the more;
For God supplied him still to give, who gave in God's own stead.
      Thus, when the raging dearth.
    Afflicted all the Egyptian earth;
  When scanty Nile no more his bounty dealt,
  And Jacob, even in Canaan, famine felt;
   God sent a Joseph out before;
  His father and his brethren to restore: