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Tixall Poetry.
    So in life's dubious course
Wild fortune's shocks the soul disturb
    With their impetuous force:
  Swelled by its power, the passions rage;
  No bounds the soaring will can curb;
  Presumptuous minds dare Heaven engage!
But crowding years push on and forwards drive,
    Till, hurried on, vain men arrive
    On death's inevitable coast,
Where all, dissolved to dust, in nature's mass are lost!


Internall Cerberus! whose griping fangs,
That gnaw the soul, are the mind's surest pangs.
Thou greedy vulture! that dost gorging tire
On hearts corrupted by impure desire:
Subtle and buzzing hornet! that dost ring
A peal of horrour ere thou givst the sting

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